Friday, February 20, 2009

nukeationMachine - Addin for VS2008

Developers typically spend a large amount of time creating the User Interface (UI) for software applications. Almost 60% of that time is used to create the same type of elements across different forms. nukeationMachine helps automate 40 to 60% of the entire UI design time by providing UI Bits – common elements used in any software application, for example, the OK/Cancel buttons – that can be created with a single click.

nukeationMachine works across C#®, Visual Basic .NET®, J#®, and Managed C++ on Visual Studio® 2008, as well as across Windows Presentation Foundation™ (WPF), Windows Forms®,®, and DHTML. The UI Bits library for nukeationMachine contains over 1600 Bits of common elements that can be used to create any form of software application. See the Catalog section for a list of currently available UI Bits.

Aside from the vast library of pre-built UI Bits, nukeationMachine offers the ability to create your own UI Bits in any supported language or technology. Using the NxC Technology that powers the nukeationMachine engine, a UI Bit created in one language can be used in a project of any other language.

Scenario: UI Bits containing several buttons, a listbox, and a few labels is created in Visual Basic. The same UI Bits can be used in a C#, J#, or Managed C++ project without any code conversion. nukeationMachine takes care of the conversion for the user...!y1pZQ2kMVHPIFxIVKMCAmbc3RP6pXB7E6kaG9krDqOwYP4DTk64RWZQEwlD4RvWi6IsESRhiGt2aug

My User Review:
